Kenneth Kern, MD
Senior Medical Director at Pfizer Inc.
Dr. Kenneth Kern, MD, MPH, MS (Regulatory Affairs), RAC (US), FACS, is a Senior Medical Director at Pfizer Inc., a global biopharmaceutical company. He has been employed at Pfizer for 14 years, in both early and late drug development, following a successful career in academic surgical oncology. Dr. Kern now works in the Division of Early Oncology Development and Clinical Research. Prior to Pfizer, Dr. Kern worked for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in both late drug development and medical affairs.
Dr. Kern is an Honors Graduate in Biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley. He graduated from Harvard Medical School, trained in General Surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and has additional training in cancer metabolism and surgical oncology from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and Surgery Branch of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Kern has experience in the design and implementation of early and late phase clinical oncology trials with small molecules and immunotherapeutics. Dr. Kern has special expertise in clinical trial endpoints, based upon his 15 years of experience in pharmaceutical drug development and multiple clinical trials with 15 types of small molecules. In 2016 he published an article in the Journal of Oncology Practice entitled “Trial Design and Efficacy Thresholds for Granting Breakthrough Therapy Designation in Oncology”, J Onc Prac (2016), 12: 1-7.